Thursday, September 14, 2006

Photoshop Fun

I've been having so much fun the past four weeks in school. We've been working in Illustrator and I am learning so so much! I just wanted to share a couple tutorials I have done in the past two days.

This one is a collage of a much of photos. Very random, but contemporary:

This one is a technique called matte painting. You can an existing photo or video clip and you recreate it. They do a lot of this in post production of movies...such as Lord of the Rings, all the amazing mountain views are matte paintings. Or in Star Trek, the surfaces of the planets are made by matte painting. So our project was to turn this house into a haunted mansion. It was so neat. I recreated the background and lightning, I dirtied the paint and broke some windows and columns. It was so cool!


We're going to work on a Jazz band collage on Monday, so I'll have to post when I finish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God Kayla it's Amazing! Great job
