Friday, December 14, 2007

A Snowy Day Wedding Project

It was freezing cold outside today and the snow was blowing like crazy, so it was a great day for me to stay home and get another wedding project done. This is a project that I had been visualizing for quite awhile and I had a lot of fun putting it together! I thought it would be fun to show you step by step how I put it together.

I am glad I finished it! That's one more thing off of my very long list of things to do. Here are some pictures of the finished product.


Anonymous said...

That is such a cute idea, I love all your stuff. I am like the biggest copy cat.

Anonymous said...

kayla - this project is awesome... and you're too cute as an instructor!!! :)

JoAnn Welch said...

What a great idea! I can think of other ways to use this. Thanks for sharing. You should do this for other tutorials for us Coloradoans that won't get to see you anymore. Wink, wink!!!