Friday, September 19, 2008

Which Canvas Should We Buy?

I need your help. I have been wanting to purchase a gallery wrap canvas of one of our engagement photos for above the fireplace ever since we moved in eight months ago! We have finally decorated enough other parts of our house that I can justify spending the money on this now. So which canvas do you like for above our fireplace? I can't decide if it should be shorter or longer than the fireplace cover underneath it. I don't know if the long ones would make it look top heavy. On the blank white wall on the right will be two 8 foot long shelves (which just arrived from Pottery Barn!) with all black frames that have more of our engagement and wedding photos.

Excuse my painting project in the foreground! Place your vote:



Barb said...

I like #3 the best because you can see both of your faces well. I also think that the smaller size is a better proportion with your fireplace.

Love all the choices!

Anonymous said...


Ask yourself what you want to draw the most attention to. The portrait, right? Don't worry about the firebox frame, it will never be as important as the portrait of you two nor should it be the focal point. I like all the prints, but I love being able to see both of your faces in #3. Happy decision making!


Anonymous said...

I totally like #1 the best!

Anonymous said...

I like #2 LONG the best, in #1 and #3, the picture is about Clint or you and #2 it's about BOTH OF YOU. with your mantle, it looks better LONG. Also makes the room look bigger...


Jessie said...

I love #2... and I think I would go LONG. :) :)

Anonymous said...

#2 and I think either size will be great... it looks like you're getting to peek in on a moment shared betweent the two of you. The others are superb too but they look more "posed" to me. Any of them will be amazing though. :)