For the past six months, I have been serving with Clint as a youth leader in our church's youth group. We have had God work in some very awesome ways the last couple months and I know that every student has been touched. Next week, we leave for youth camp and I know that God will reveal things to all of us and I am so excited to see how He moves! Here are some photos that I took a month ago at one of our services.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Youth Group
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ask Kayla Q&A Round 1
Here are the questions to the questions that you awesome blog readers left me. Let me know if you have any additional questions!
April Oaks said...Hey Kayla! What is your favorite art piece you've created?
Oh my gosh! That is a hard question! I create so many different pieces of art from photography to graphic design to painting to cardmaking to scrapbooking and just about anything else you can think of! I practically have a new favorite piece of art every week!I'd have to say that the art piece that I am most proud of would be my college portfolio from design school. I spent two very long and hard years at school every day working hard to create the pieces that are in my design portfolio. I love graphic design so much. It's a talent that God has given to me and I love to use it for His glory every day. I am so thankful that I was able to go to school and learn how to be a graphic designer. And I am still learning new things every day! I spent two years creating these various design pieces and I spent several weeks putting my portfolio together for graduation. God really blessed me in school. Several of my pieces received awards at the Annual Portfolio and Art Show, I was the only one in my class to graduate with highest honors (4.0 GPA) from my school, I was given the 2007 Portfolio of the Year award out of all the students at my school and I was awarded Meritorious Recognition for Student of the Year in Art & Design out of all the private colleges in Colorado! I am so blessed to have this talent and I love what I do!
These are several pictures of my college portfolio that I had set out at my graduation party just over a year ago. Almost all of these pieces can be viewed on my website as well as all of my new designs: Spink Studio
April F said...Hey Kayla!! I am thinking about getting a new printer, I love to scrapbook, make cards, and invitations and stuff, but I am still using an HP all in one printer from high school, like 7 years ago (wow I am getting old). And with your line of work you must use a great what is your suggestion??!!Hey, April! I bought a Epson Stylus Photo 1400 a year ago and I LOVE it! I use it almost everyday. It has six ink cartridges, so you only need to replace the ones that are needed and it uses Claria Hi-Definition ink which prints beautifully. The ink cartridges are a little pricey (about $20 each) but they seem to last for a long time and I don't feel like I am replacing them very often. I print all of my scrapbook pages, Etsy stationary, client proofs and photographs on this printer. It is wonderful. I also recommend the Epson Premium Photo Paper in 13x19. That is what I use to print my scrapbook pages and they come out beautiful!
lisa frith said...what is your inspiration to create? is it a color, a shape, a mood? just curious ... your talents span a range of things, so i'm just curious!
Hi, Lisa! I hope you're enjoying some good sweet tea down south! We miss you here!
I had to think about this one. Really, the biggest influence on me is definitely other artists and designers! I LOVE Google Reader and I subscribe to over 150 blogs of other artists, photographers, designers and friends! I am so inspired by other artists and they give me the courage to try new things! I am always getting new ideas and inspiration. Here are a couple of my favorite websites and blogs that inspire me:
Design & Art:
megs said...when are you going to buy couch number three and come see me? :) love you babe, oh and i'm about to watch calamity jane
My friend, Meghan! I wish I was coming to Dallas this weekend with Clint. But I can't! I must stay here and work to save for the couch. Once we get it, you must come visit and see!
megs more thing... how did you get the name spink studio?
I get asked this question a lot! Spink Studio is a totally original name. When I first came up with my company name, it was Scallop Pink, Ink. My business cards and logo had a very cute scallop edge and were all very pink as you can see in the logo. I also used ink instead of inc as a play on Incorporated. For short, the initials were, SPInk. I went a whole year with it being Scallop Pink, Ink all while having the world's most confusing URL ( In June of 2007, I officially switched the name to Spink Studio and rebranded my company with the more sophisticated Spink Studio logo. I launched my website, last August and have had great success!
Thanks for all the questions! We'll have to do this again soon!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ask Kayla
Hey to all my blog readers! Thanks so much for stopping by! I thought it would be fun if we had a little Kayla Q&A! I love it when other bloggers do this because I always have questions for them and I love to read all the answers.
So, leave me a comment on this post and ask me any question you want related to anything about me or anything that I do and I will answer all the questions within a couple days. I'll try to include pictures too so this will be a visual question and answer section! Thanks!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Updated Spink Studio Website
I've just updated my Spink Studio website with some of my new designs including a bunch of the graduation announcements I shared here and some never before seen designs. Check it out if you have time. Please contact me if you are in need of a graphic designer or if you know someone who would be interested in my services.
Monday, June 16, 2008
South Carolina Family Reunion Album
It's been forever since I've posted anything scrapbooking related. I guess that's because I haven't scrapbooked in forever! I finished up this mini album a month or two ago. The photos are from our 2003 family reunion. This album was super fun and fast and totally inspired by Lisa McGarvey's family reunion album. Here's a couple pages from the book.