So I'm a part of a group that is all the ladies that won Honorable Mentions in the Hall of Fame. One of the ladies organized a secret santa gift exchange to give scrapbooking stuff to each other. So fun! I had a blast shopping for my secret santie, and last night I recieved my awesome box of stuff from Deb, my secret santa! How cute is the box she decorated for me?? I LOVE it! I was able to guess who it was from the style!
I got all kinds of neat stuff - paper by Magic Scraps, Basic Grey, KI Memories and a company that I'd never heard of called Zsiage. Really cute! I got some Christina Cole goodies, Rob and Bob stickers, Magic Scraps stickers and slide mounts, Hiedi Grace acrylic bikini, American Crafts ribbon and some awesome Fontwerk stamps in my favorite font Ma Sexy.
Deb, you totally rock! Thank you sooo much!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
My Secret Santa Came!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
What Do You Do On Friday Night?
So how do you spend your Friday night? Two Fridays ago, I was so happy that I was able to make it to Midland in time to see Clint and his band Lifted play. It had been over two years since I had seen them play and they did an awesome job! Kim has such an amazing voice and Clint, Tommy and Nathan are all very musically talented. They played for about 200 teenagers at a youth rally and God really touched them. They had a alter call near the end for teenagers to pray to receive boldness to go into their schools and be a witness for Christ. I got to pray with several girls and I could tell that God had really touched them. It was such a great night. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend my Friday night. Many girls may age go out and party on Friday night and do all kinds of crazy things that I don't even want to think about! Why would I want to go get totally stoned and feel horrible the next day when I could be an influence and encouragement in someone else's life instead? That's how I'd spend my Friday night.
The Torture is Over!
So I finally finished my drawing class just a week before Thanksgiving! Yeah! My least favorite class so far. I do feel like I learned a lot and the little drawing skills I had have definitly improved. I just got back the two drawings I did as final projects and I wanted to share them with you! Somehow my teacher was nice enough to give me an A in this class and I can keep my 4.0 GPA. I do have to say that even though I didn't enjoy all the projects, I did try my hardest and that's what counts. This class just went to prove that I will definitly not be going into animation! I'll let some of the other students in my class have that job.
My final projects:
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thankful for....
I am thankful for...
...this beautiful day. relationship with God.
...spending time with family and friends.
...Clint-the sweetest man in the world.
...getting to spend five great days with him! dream job.
...the oppurtunity to go to college.
...being able to attend a great church.
...all the blessings God has given me.
I wanted to share a photo I love that Kimberly took of Clint and I during my visit:
Friday, November 11, 2005
Scrapbooks, Etc. Photography Book
So awhile back a submitted a bunch of photos to be published by Better Homes and Gardens' Scrapbooks, Etc. Photography Book. A photographer I really admire selected a photo I had taken of Melissa last summer to be in the Natural Light section. The photo of Melissa sleeping is on page 66 with details on how I used natural lighting from a north facing window. Check it out whenever you get the chance!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Back On The Fridge
So for the past couple weeks I've been taking a drawing class for school. And let me just say that drawing is not my strong point! I have never been a big drawer so I'm learning a lot as I take this class. We've drawn still lifes, faces, people, all sorts of things. We finally moved into drawing with color! Yeah! So yesterday we had to bring in a product out of a magazine to draw. I picked a Luna bar out of Organic Style since it seemed easy enough. I used markers and colored pencils to draw it larger than life and I think everyone was surprised at how it came out! Even myself!! My teacher thought it looked amazing. What can I say?? I think in color! I brought it home and showed my family and Mercy couldn't believe that I drew it. My mom was so impressed she grabbed it and hung it on the fridge next to my little sisters' drawings. Now, ten years later, my artwork has made it back to the fridge!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
"Faith" in Creating Keepsakes Dec. 2005
I just wanted to post this on my blog because I'm so excited and I wanted you to see! One of my most favorite pages from my Hall of Fame entry was published in the Creating Keepsakes December 2005 issue.
I originally submitted it for a different article, but one of the editors wanted it immediately for the Computer Tips and Tricks section. I have a whole page in the magazine with my scrapbook page and the directions on how I did curved text, watermark text and my own background paper on the top and bottom. The magazine is on sale now at Barnes and Noble and this page is on page 66 if you want to go check out my cute boyfriend Clint! This page is about all the things he has taught me in our many months of dating.
Journaling reads: Faith. Over all our months of dating, the single most important thing you have taught me is to have faith. Not only faith in God, but faith in myself. Faith, not just to dream and set goals, but to know deep in my heart that I will fulfill things I never fathomed possible. You have a sincere faith in everything you are doing and where God is leading you everyday. Because you have faith in yourself, you can obtain anything you desire. You will go places and do incredible things because you already believe you can. You have taught me to never discourage or give-up in anything, but to hold strong to my faith. Because of you, I have set my goals higher and I know I will achieve them. Thank you.
Two Peas Pubster Crop
Yeah, I'm finally getting around to posting my photos from the Two Peas Pubster Crop. On October 14, several ladies in Colorado that have been published in various scrapbook publications got together to scrapbook for a whole day. We had ladies from all over the state. We all meet at Archiver's and had an awesome day together. We didn't get a lot of scrapbooking done, but it was nice to meet other ladies that can relate to our obessive hobby! Here's some photos of the day!
The Archiver's that we cropped at:
Laura, Jodi, Sheryl and Keri:
Rachel (who made us cute nametags) and Evelyn:
Me, not getting a whole lot done:
Heather who set the crop up:
Me, Amy and Heather:
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Top Ten Favorite Movie Quotes
Another challenge from Two Peas In A Bucket - My top ten favorite movie quotes, or in my house they would be the most quoted.
1. "Gah, IDIOT!" -Napoleon Dynamite
2. "Those are IOUs. Those are as good as money. See this one - 275 thou. You might want to hang on to that one." -Dumb and Dumber
3. "Goose, you're lookin' good. I'm going after Viper." -Top Gun
4. "What we do today echoes throughout eternity." -Gladiator
5. "You never see the hard times in a scrapbook. But that is what gets you from one happy snapshot to the next." -Just Married
6. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge
7. "Gah, Napoleon! Go make yourself a dang quesadilla!" -Napoleon Dynamite
8. "Searching for little life forms! The little life forms!" -Star Trek: Generations
9. "I got robbed by a sweet, old lady on a motorized cart....We got no food, we got on jobs, our pets heads are falling off!" -Dumb and Dumber
10. Jamie: "I'm scared. I'm scared of not being with you."
Landon: "Oh baby, that'll never happen." -A Walk To Remember
The Hall of Fame Book Is Out!
I am so excited to share with you that the Creating Keepsake's Hall of Fame book is out! If you saw my post in March you would know that I entered the largest and hardest scrapbooking contests this past winter and out of all the entries I won an honorable mention. This means I was chosen as one of the top 75 scrapbookers in the world. Since winning an honorable mention, God has brought me so many new and exciting opportunities. I've gotten to do design work for Better Homes and Gardens' Scrapbooks, Etc. I've had several of my pages picked up for the monthly issues of Creating Keepsakes and I was asked to be a contributor for one of their articles (3 Products, 5 Scrapbookers) in their November issue. I've also become great friends with all the other honorable mentioners this year and they have been so inspiring and encouraging. I plan on entering again this coming year and Lord willing the outcome will be even greater! If you're ever in Micheal's, JoAnn's or Barnes and Noble, pick up the Hall of Fame book and please check out my page.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Night At The Rockies Game
Last Friday, Hannah and I hit the Denver downtown area and enjoyed a great night at the Rockies game. After school, we met for lunch and spent way to much money at the new Charlotte Russe. Love that store! We drove downtown trying to find the cheapest place to park. We managed to part for $3 compared to most that were $10-15! Because I took Clint to the Rockies game while he was here in July, I got two coupons for free tickets. So Hannah and I went and cashed those in for the best sits we could get. We then walked to the Old Spaghetti Factory. Neither of us had been there and it was such a neat place. Dark wood and Victorian furniture. Old fashioned bathrooms. I tried a sampler of all the different sauces and Hannah had the chicken marsala. After dessert we walked back to the field and enjoyed the beautiful September night as we watched the Rockies play the Giants. We had a great time talking, laughing and eating dippin' dots and cotton candy. We were also fortunate enough to enjoy the last fireworks show of the season. Before the fireworks started, we saw on the video screen, a man on his knee proposing to his girlfriend. When she nodded "yes", he jumped up, hugged her and started telling all his friends. How fun to be engaged and set beneath the stars enjoying the gorgeous fireworks together. Hannah and I both had an incredible time together.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Right Now I'm....
A challenge from Two Peas in A Bucket - post about what I'm doing right now:
- Just finished my Goal Attaintment and Decision Making class
- Sitting in the college library
- Thinking about what to eat for lunch
- Wearing khaki pants, black tank top, green half sweater, black pointy shoes and hair is actually fixed
- Thinking I need to call Clint because he'll be wondering what I'm doing
- Wondering if I should really go to the gym tonight, or skip it and go home
- Heading to work in about 20 minutes
- Wondering why my Service Engine light in my car keeps going on and off
- Making up a combination logo for a restaurant for my class tomorrow
- Working from 1-6...hopefully there will still be cake
- Going to bed early so I don't have to worry about rushing to school
Monday, September 12, 2005
Two Years, Baby!!
As of today, Clint and I have been dating for two years!! Wow! I can't believe it. Those two years have probably been the most crazy and exciting years of my life (so far...). It doesn't seen that long ago that Clint asked me to Midland High Homecoming. We've been through so much, and God has been faithful in all of it. Through amazing dates, Christmases, New Year's, prom, two graduations (and two more to come!), me moving to Colorado and lots of long phone conversations. For fifteen out of twenty-four months that we have dated, Clint and I have lived two states and almost 700 miles away. Although sometimes it's been very difficult, God has kept our relationship strong. We've learned so much from each other and have really grown together. Not only have we grown together, but we've grown up. So many of our plans have changed since we began dating. God has changed both of us and the goals we have set for our lives. I'm so thankful that God has kept Clint and I together so long! Not only is he the love of my life, but my best friend! I don't know what I would do without him. Thank you, Clint for being an amazing boyfriend for the past two years! I know so many more exciting things are yet to come.
Photo taken at my graduation in May.
To celebrate our 'anniversary', Clint surprised me by sending a dozen beautiful cream with pink tipped roses. I walked into my room to the amazing aroma from these roses and a sweet card from Clint. I will definitely be enjoying my dozen roses for the next two weeks!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
My New Hair-Do
I know ya'll wanted to see it, so here it is! My new hair-do! And I love it. So different from what I've always had!! I've always gone with the crowd by having the long, blonde, straight hair with occasional random hair colors. It's all gone now! I cut most of it off back in June, but I went even funkier this time. Most of my hair is dark brown with blonde chunks on top. Shorter in the back and longer around my face. I wanted something fun and unique before I started graphic design school on Monday. My hair stylist said that the brown around my face would really make my blue eyes pop, and surprisingly I've already had compliments. I can't wait to put it in cute little pigtails and other funky do's. It was the first time in my life that I actually scared myself with my own hair color decision. After my stylist washed it and I saw it for the first time, I was totally freaked out! I felt like a zebra with dark brown and bright blonde stripes. But once blown dry and styled, I really loved it! It's like a whole new me! New hair for a new season of my life....
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Out Of My Comfort Zone
I haven't been in the scrapbooking mood much lately. I think it's mostly because I'm too critical of my own work. Why?? I don't know! I'm a perfectionist I guess. After looking at some great artistic scrapbook pages by Elsie Flannigan, a totally amazing scrapbooker, I decided to step out of my very graphic, clean, perfectionistic scrapbooking style and try something totally random! And I had so much doing it! I used all sorts of crazy colors, ribbons, paper and even wrote directly on my picture to create this page below. I shouldn't feel like I need to meet some person's scrapbooking standards very time I scrap! I just need to have fun and enjoy the process. I'll never be able to totally disregard my true, clean style, but it felt great to step out of my comfort zone!!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Lifted^ Website: Check It Out!
The Lifted^ band has their website up! My boyfriend Clint, along with his sister Kim, his brother Tommy and best friend, Nathan have an amazingly gifted band, and they travel all around West Texas to spread the awesome word of Jesus Christ! And their website totally rocks! Go support their ministry by checking it out!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005
A Day At The Zoo
I finally had a weekday off of work. So today, Mom, the girls and I headed over to the Denver Zoo after lunch. The girls had so much fun running from one place to the other looking at every single animal. We saw all kinds of neat animals despite the hot heat. I really enjoyed the zoo because it brought back many great memories of going there as a child. We all had a great time, but I have to admit that the little girls finished off the day with more energy than I did!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Josh's 16th Birthday
Today after church, my family along with my Uncle John, Aunt Tish, cousins Jordan and Rylan, Gramps and Grandma, and long time friend Stephanie Loehr and her parents Kent and Nancy all joined us at Fudruckers to celebrate Josh's 16th birthday! No car for this boy, but he did some awesome books, a "Vote For Pedro" shirt, a webcam, money (for an iPod) and a trip to a Project 86 concert! We all went home full of burgers and chocolate malts! Happy birthday, little bro!